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Garden Guacamole

· Recipes

It's summertime! If you planted a garden, I am sure you have more veggies than you know what to do with. Here is a versatile recipe to use some basic ingredients from your garden, along with store bought items. I like to use this guacamole as a dip with chips, on top of toasted sprouted grain bread (I love the blue Ezekiel bread found in the freezer section of the supermarket), or served over some eggs! We love this dish because it is...





Has a kick!


1 Avocado, ripe (reserve the pit)

4 large cherry tomatoes (sub 1/4 cup any ripe tomato), diced

1 teaspoon chives, chopped (or 2 tablespoons onions)

1 small spicy pepper (banana or Jalapeño), diced

2 small lime wedges (1/4 of a large lime), juiced

1 turn fresh ground pepper

1/4 teaspoon sea salt


1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl, mash with the back of a fork until ingredients are evenly distributed

2. Store in an airtight container with the pit of the avocado to preserve the color, refrigerate immediately when not in use

Ideas To Serve

1. Chips and dip

2. Spread on top of 1 slice of sprouted grain toast, can also add crumbled feta and oregano; absolutely delicious!

3. Add a dollop over sunny side up eggs

4. Spread over grilled chicken

5. Use as a crudités (raw veggie platter) dipping sauce

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